Thursday, May 17, 2018

"Memories of Home While Fishing for a Job"


I never truly appreciated fishing with my grandfather J. Berton Daigle until after he was gone. 

While growing up I would go fishing with my grandfather at least once, if not twice a week. 

J. Berton loved to fish. He would go fish in the ship channel in Cameron, the old river in  the Calcasieu Lake, and his most favorite area, North Prong.

We would go to Bennie Bourg's camp on St. John's Island and fish off the wharf all day. At one time he even had a camp on North Prong. We would go and spend two or three nights, fishing all day.

For J. Berton, I learned it wasn't about the catching, it was about the fishing. He loved bringing others with him to experience a fun time. 

J. Berton's favorite fishing partner was Monsignor M.J. Bernard. They would go fish together all day and then come back to the house to clean the fish they caught. I remember Father Bernard LOVED drinking martini's. Father Bernard was the only person I Knew who drank martini's other than James Bond, and I loved James Bond. I would always fix Father Bernard a martini while they cleaned the fish. Gin and vermouth with an olive.

One day, when I was about 12 or so, I thought, if James Bond drinks martinis then they must taste pretty good. So, after I fixed Father Bernard a martini, as I was taking it to him outside, I decided to have a taste of that cool James Bond drink. As the glass touched my lips and I tilted my head back I thought, Secret Agent 007.

All I can say is, after that gin and vermouth venin concoction ran down my throat, my eyes watered, I lost my breath, and nearly vomited on myself.

As a 12 year old, that was the worse experience I ever had with the taste of a beverage. I thought, not only why would James Bond drink something like this, but how in the world could Father Bernard drink that gosh awful drink.

To this day I will never try another martini...

But I still love James Bond.

I've learned recently that job hunting is a lot like fishing. You need lots of patience while looking, it's mostly luck if you get a nibble, and it takes some skill to land it. 

J. Berton with his best catch and a few fish.

Until next time.
More Tales from the Unemployment Line.

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